Tuesday 10 May 2011 is when the implementation of OSK (Regency Science Olympiad) simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Implementation of OSK in pemekasan conducted in SMKN 3 Pamekasan. SMKN 3 lively atmosphere crowded by students delegates from each school who had previously been selected in their respective schools.
SMAN 3 Pamekasan as one of the top schools in Pamekasan certainly do not want to miss in this annual prestigious event. SMAN 3 Pamekasan send 72 of their best students to attend this year OSK. This amount is the total number of students from each subject that followed the 9 people each subject. There are 8 areas of this Olympiad, that is Mathematics, Physics, chemistry, biology, ICT, geo science, earth, and astronomy.
Daus one student SMAN 3 Pamekasan also as OSK participants this year said, “Same as another school, SMAGA also gave preparation for students, but not too busy, "
SMAN 3 conduct intensive coaching in a few days before OSK began to give students the preparation for them which will be included in the OSK. Coaching is done by learning together. Development carried out by teachers in their own expert. The students who follow the OSK is given dispensation to not take lessons during the coaching.
Implementation OSK relatively smoothly this year without any meaningful constraints. Daus said that According to the news announcement of OSK will be opened 1 week before the OSP(Province Science Olympiad)
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